Regardless of the reason why you are traveling during the holidays, you need to make sure you are prepared for the trip. If you are going on a flight, remember to bring all those things in your carry-on that you cannot do without upon your arrival. How could they possibly lose my checked bag?
I like to bring a backpack or some other closable bag with essentials like; Any prescription medicine I might need and my tablet and phone with music, videos, and books. Don’t forget your charging cords.
I never like to get on a flight without food and beverages. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stranded on the tarmac waiting for a gate or permission to push. You can usually get a snack through security, but you will need to purchase a beverage after you get through security.
The best thing I bring are my Direct Sound Extreme Isolation Headphones. The passive isolation reduces the overall plane noise and allows me to listen to my music at a much lower volume. When I put on my headphones they also cut out the Blah- Blah-Blah chatter from the seat neighbor. This may be the best part.